Industrial Plant for Nitrous Oxide
KVK Nitrous Oxide plant is manufactured under strict supervision of experienced engineers, which is not only safe to operate but also economical, as it consumes less power and material. The gas manufactured material. The gas manufactured conforms to Indian pharmacopoeia and is stored in liquid state, which can be directly filled into cylinders.
Special Features of KVK Nitrous Oxide Plant
Process Description
Nitrous Oxide si produced by heating Ammonium Nitrate to a temperature of approx. 250 deg. c. Ammonium Nitrate is decomposed in the process to give a mixture of Nitrous Oxide and super heated steam.Impurities include Ammonium Nitrate fumes, Nitrogen and other oxides of Nitrogen. The steam and impurities are removed by scrubbing with water, caustic soda and sulphuric acid. Nitrogen present in traces is removed by bleeding from the top of storage vessels, where Nitrous Oxide in liquid state is stored after compression.